Monday, May 23, 2011

Books With Friends ~ Book 1: The Private Memoirs & Confessions of a Justified Sinner

This is the first book in my Books with Friends project. It was recommended by my sister Pamela. Accordingt to her, she first read this book in her freshmen English class at UCR. She later admitted that she spent an entire semester on the book. After reading this book, I can see why.

I have to admit this was the most difficult book I have read in a very long time. It follows the story of Robert Wringham and a friend who changes his life from the moment they first meet. In this novel, Robert transitions from the religious middle class to high society and beyond all the while engaging in theological conversation with his companion and others who he happens upon in life. After hearing suggestions and beliefs held by this friend, one cannot help but wonder about his true nature.

The reason I labeled this "the most difficult to read" is due in part to the diction as can be seen in the lines of text below:

"...O, there wasna muckle: I was in a great passion, but she was dung dotrified a wee."

"-folks shouldna heed what's said by auld crazy kimmers."

If one can get through the old Scottish syntax, then one would find this to be an unbelievable story of betrayal and self righteousness.